In my reading so far of the book Culture Jam I have become shockingly surprised that what I'm reading truly sounds like humans today. Is it because we have become so technically advance that instead of looking at what nature has to offer we look instead to what's advanced technologically? Are we slowly becoming dependent on the technology. Every day in hospitals it is used to save lives, but is it truly worth losing ourselves? I think not, I think if we take our natural world for granted it won't belong until we forget it all together. If we continue to let ourselves go and become one with technology instead of the environment, we slowly lose touch of who we truly are. So before it's too later we should realize that if it weren't for the sun there would not be life and if it weren't for the trees and plants around us there would be no fresh air to breather. And that turning your mind to counting the stars at night, or asking ourselves questions about the world around us we would see a change in the way we respond to violence in the media. Also realizing that the human race survived thousands of years without electricity, or technology. So why can't we now remember where we were. We should never ever forget our past because it sculpts and creates our future.