Friday, February 12, 2010

How Dumb Is our Generation...really?

I miss the video lecture on Tuesday but after reading a few of my classmates blog I can draw the Conclusion of what it was about. In a few of the blog's I read my peers spoke of how the blame is not all our generation. It also belongs on our parents. In a way I can agree with this, but I also think the blame should go to the scientist that are inventing the new technologies. For instance Apple keeps coming out with a better "Ipod" almost most every year and a half, and our cellphones laptops and gaming systems just keep getting "better."

However, is having all these technology advances worth it. Think back to when you were a kid and what you played with. For me I had two sisters growing up and we were always outside playing in the dirt or making up games. We weren't inside in front of the t.v. watching commercials or playing games on our "Xbox 360's." You always here the stories from your parents about when they were our age and how they worked for what they wanted, and to change the television channel they had to walk so far. What happened to that?

What happened to the fact that in schools we watch "educational" video's instead of finding out for ourselves. We, as a whole generation, rely so much on the technology that without we almost wouldn't survive. It would almost be like the book Feed without our "feeds" we would be lost and not know what to do with ourselves.

So really who is to blame for how reluctant most of us our to learn new things or play games that involve being blown up or assembled. Is it really our parents, or grandparents, the inventors of so many grand objects, or is it simply just us becoming a lazy generation?


  1. You make a really good point in your last paragraph. Who is to blame? I agree with you totally on the thought that our parents are somewhat to blame, but the scientist are to blame as well. It seems that today all any kid does when they want to play is something involving technology. Like you when I was younger I was always playing outside with my cousins and sister. It seems like that is a thing of the past now. So are we becoming lazy because of all this technology? Or is it because our parents have now found a new way to keep us occupied? Either way who really is to blame? That question will never be able to be fully answered.

  2. I agree with you on the fact that we as a socitey would not be able to survive without technology. We are so technology driven that we would not be able to wrap our heads around it. I also think that it it partially both our generation's fault and the previous generation's fault for what seems to be this unhealthy obsession with technology.
