Thursday, March 25, 2010

You Never really have PRIVACY

Recently we read 1984. The story line was about how society was and how you were expected to act. You were always being watched or listened to and just about everywhere you went you saw signs that said "Big Brother is Watching You." How far off is this from our society today?
I don't think it's really all that different. Today the government controls our right by putting regulations on them and telling us we can't say certain things or express ourselves certain ways without consequence. However, more importantly since the attacks of 9/11 they can listen to are phone calls, read our emails, dig into our personal lives if something comes across as a potential warning. This is like the novel 1984 in that the government is always watching us. Maybe not through our television or in our homes, but out in the open we are constantly watched and surveyed to make sure we're not a threat. I believe that to an extent it's okay, but there are points where a line needs to be drawn. America is a country built for freedom and in a way we are being enslaved within that freedom.

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